澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University,简称ANU)是澳大利亚最古老和最著名的大学之一,也是国际上享有盛誉的研究型大学。学校位于澳大利亚首都堪培拉,拥有出色的学术声誉和一流的研究设施。ANU的国际化程度极高,吸引了来自世界各地的学生和教职员工。学校在科学、社会科学、人文学科和工程等领域取得了杰出的研究成果。校园内提供丰富的文化、艺术和学术活动,同时位于堪培拉的地理位置也为学生提供了接触澳大利亚政治和文化的独特机会。澳大利亚国立大学为国际学生提供了高质量的教育和深厚的学术氛围,是一个备受尊敬的学府选择。

研究生课程 Graduate Courses

🌟 商学与经济学
Business and Economics

Master of Accounting

Master of Applied Accounting

Master of Professional Accounting

Master of Actuarial Practice

Master of Actuarial Studies

Master of Statistics

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Master of International Management

Master of Management

Master of Marketing Management

Master of Project Management

Master of Business Information Systems

Master of Applied Economics

Master of Economics

Master of Economic Policy

Master of Financial Economics

Master of Applied Finance

Master of Finance

Master of Financial Management

Master of Financial Management and Law

Master of Commerce

🌟 工程与信息技术
Engineering and IT

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

Master of Engineering in Mechatronics

Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy

Master of Computing

Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Master of Applied Data Analytics

Master of Applied Cybernetics

🌟 人文社科
Arts and Social Sciences

Master of General and Applied Linguistics

Master of Translation

Master of Anthropology

Master of Applied Anthropology and Development

Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science

Master of History

Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies

Master of Contemporary Art Practices

Master of Public Policy

Master of Culture, Health and Medicine

Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture

Master of Museum and Heritage Studies

Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies

Master of Political Science

🌟 法学院
Law School

Master of Laws

Juris Doctor

Master of Financial Management and Law

Master of International Law and Diplomacy

🌟 理学院
Faculty of Science

Master of Biotechnology

Master of Climate Change

Master of Earth Sciences (Advanced)

Master of Energy Change

Master of Environment

Master of Forests

Master of Mathematical Sciences

Master of Neuroscience

Master of Science Communication

Master of Science in Agricultural Innovation

Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Master of Science in Biological Sciences

Master of Science in Earth Sciences

Master of Science in Materials Science

Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences

Master of Science in Nuclear Science

Master of Science in Precision Instrumentation & Measurement

Master of Science in Quantitative Biology & Bioinformatics

Master of Science in Quantum Technology

Master of Science in Theoretical Physics

🌟 医学与健康
Medicine & Health

Master of Clinical Psychology

Master of Public Health

本科课程 Undergraduate Courses

🌟 商学与经济学
Business and Economics

Bachelor of Actuarial Studies

Bachelor of Accounting

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Economics

Bachelor of Finance

Bachelor of International Business

Bachelor of Statistics

Bachelor of Finance, Economics & Statistics (Honours)

🌟 工程与信息技术
Engineering and IT

Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)

Bachelor of Advanced Computing (R&D) (Honours)

Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics

Bachelor of Computing

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (R&D) (Honours)

🌟 人文社科
Arts and Social Sciences

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Languages

Bachelor of Visual Arts

Bachelor of Design

Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship

Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship

Bachelor of International Relations

Bachelor of Criminology

Bachelor of Public Policy

Bachelor of Political Science

Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Bachelor of Music

🌟 法学

Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

🌟 理学院
Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Biotechnology

Bachelor of Environment & Sustainability

Bachelor of Genetics

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences

Bachelor of Medical Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

衔接课程 Pathway Courses
