




1. Look out for: 注意
2. Come out on top: 占据优势
3. Put side-by-side: 并排放置
4. Slip into: 滑入
5. Stick out: 突出


When you think about it, the similarities between crocodiles and alligators are far more obvious than their differences. To start with they are both reptiles, both live near water and a quick glance can show you that they look pretty much the same. So, when it comes to differences, what should we be looking out for? What separates a crocodile from an alligator?


Firstly, crocodiles are bigger than alligators. While the shape of their bodies might be similar, it is the crocodile that comes out on top when looking at their size. A fully-grown crocodile is likely to be around a metre longer than even the biggest alligator and while many will say size is all that matters, it does come with one significant disadvantage. Due to their size, crocodiles are much slower than alligators and should you ever find yourself being chased by one of these lizards, you better hope that it’s a crocodile.


Another big difference comes down to location and how easy it is to see these beautiful animals in the wild. If you are hoping to see an alligator in its natural habitat, then there are only two countries on earth in which you can do so, one being China and the other being the US. The Chinese alligator is particularly endangered and can only be found in one part of the country: in the Yangtze River valley. As for the crocodile, you can see these little guys spring up all over the place, particularly in the tropical areas of Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas.


When we look at these creatures in relation to aggression then the crocodile is the one that you don’t want to start a fight with. To show this further, if you were to put the animals side-by-side, then a wild alligator may actually appear tame when compared with a crocodile. Studies have shown that alligators will only attack humans when they feel extremely hungry or if they feel threatened whereas a crocodile is likely to attack if you wander just a little bit too closely.


The differing habitats chosen by each creature is surprisingly decided by their ability to deal with salt. Crocodiles have things on their tongues which let them get rid of the salt in their bodies and as a result they are able to happily live in locations that have salt in the water. While alligators have a similar gland, it does not function as well so they tend to stay in freshwater environments.


One final important difference is in relation to teeth, and this is perhaps the quickest way in which you can tell if you are looking at a crocodile or an alligator. Take a look at the lower jaw of both animals and you will notice that they have a long tooth at both sides of their mouth. However, this picture changes when they decide to shut those snappy traps. If an alligator closes its mouth, it will slip the teeth into sockets in their upper jaw, and you won’t be able to see anything but when a crocodile performs the same move you can still see those beautiful teeth sticking out.


The differences that exist between these two amazing creatures extend far beyond the ones above, but one piece of advice remains true for both, please approach with caution.







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