蒙纳士大学(Monash University)是澳大利亚最大的大学之一,以其世界级的教育和研究而闻名。学校拥有多个校区,包括墨尔本、悉尼和其他国际地点,吸引了来自世界各地的学生。蒙纳士大学在多个学科领域都表现出色,特别是在科学、工程、商业和医学方面。学校致力于国际化教育,提供丰富的学术资源和全球视野。此外,蒙纳士大学强调实际应用和职业发展,为学生提供实践经验和职业支持。校园内的多元文化氛围和丰富的社团活动为国际学生提供了丰富多彩的大学生活。蒙纳士大学是一个推崇卓越教育和全球视野的杰出大学选择。

研究生课程 Graduate Courses

🌟 蒙纳士商学院
Monash Business School

Master of Accounting

Master of Professional Accounting

Master of Advanced Finance

Master of Applied Econometrics

Master of Applied Marketing

Master of Banking and Finance

Master of Business

Master of Business Analytics

Master of Commerce

Master of Economics

Master of Global Business

Master of Management

Master of Actuarial Studies

Master of Relation and Compliance

🌟 工程与信息技术
Engineering and IT

Master of Professional Engineering

Master of Engineering

Master of Information Technology

Master of Artificial Intelligence

Master of Cybersecurity

Master of Computer Science

Master of Data Science

Master of Business Information Systems

🌟 人文社科
Arts and Social Sciences

Master of Applied Linguistics

Master of Bioethics

Master of Communications and Media Studies

Master of Strategic Communications Management

Master of Cultural and Creative Industries

Master of Environment and Sustainability

Master of International Development Practice

Master of International Relations

Master of International Relations and Journalism

Master of Interpreting & Translation Studies

Master of Journalism

Master of International Relations and Journalism

Master of Public Policy

Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management

🌟 教育学院

Master of Teaching

Master of Counselling

Master of Professional Psychology

Master of Educational and Development Psychology

Master of Education

Master of Educational Leadership

Master of Inclusive Education

Master of TESOL

Master of Applied Behaviour Analysis

🌟 法学院
Law School

Master of Laws (LLM)

Juris Doctor

Master of Legal Studies

🌟 设计和建筑学
Art, Design and Architecture

Master of Architecture

Master of Design

Master of Urban Planning and Design

🌟 理学院
Faculty of Science

Master of Science

Master of Mathematics

Master of Financial Mathematics

Master of Environment and Sustainability

Master of Food Science and Agribusiness

Master of Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies

Master of Genome Analytics

🌟 药剂学与制药科学
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Master of Pharmacy

Master of Clinical Pharmacy

Master of Pharmaceutical Science

🌟 医学、护理与健康
Medicine, Nursing and Health

Master of Nursing Practice

Master of Advanced Nursing

Master of Advanced Health Care Practice

Master of Biomedical and Health Science

Master of Biotechnology

Master of Clinical Embryology

Master of Forensic and Legal Studies

Master of Health Data Analytics

Master of Health Management

Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

Master of Occupational and Environmental Health

Master of Occupational Therapy Practice

Master of Physiotherapy

Master of Podiatric Medicine

Master of Public Health

Master of Social Work

Master of Technology Commercialisation and Business

本科课程 Undergraduate Courses

🌟 蒙纳士商学院
Monash Business School

Bachelor of Accounting

Bachelor of Actuarial Science

Bachelor of Banking and Finance

Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Economics

Bachelor of Finance

Bachelor of International Business

Bachelor of Marketing

🌟 工程与信息技术
Engineering and IT

Bachelor of Engineering

Bachelor of Computer Science

Bachelor of Information Technology

🌟 人文社科
Arts and Social Sciences

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Criminology

Bachelor of Global Studies

Bachelor of Media Communication

Bachelor of Music

Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics

🌟 教育学院

Bachelor of Education (Honours)

🌟 法学院
Law School

Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

🌟 设计和建筑学
Art, Design and Architecture

Bachelor of Architectural Design

Bachelor of Design

Bachelor of Fine Art

🌟 理学院
Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Applied Data Science

🌟 药剂学与制药科学
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)

🌟 医学、护理与健康
Medicine, Nursing and Health

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Nutrition Science

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)

Bachelor of Paramedicine

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)

Bachelor of Psychology

Bachelor of Public Health

Bachelor of Radiation Sciences

Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours)

衔接课程 Pathway Courses



