🌟 研究生课程 Postgraduate
C9 | 985/211 | 非211 | |
商科 | 65 | 75 | 87 |
法律 | 75 | 80 | |
工程和IT | 75 | 80 | |
理学 | 75 | 80 | |
建筑 | 75 | 80 | |
人文社科 | 75 | 80 |
最短的商科硕士是Master of International Business,只有13-15个月。
Professional Engineering的录取要求略高3%;
Master of Data Science需要持有荣誉学位或完成GC/GD。
🌟 本科课程 Undergraduate
根据各省的高考总分数 | |
商科 | 85% |
法律 | 85% |
工程和IT | 75-85% |
理学 | 70-80% |
建筑 | 70-80% |
人文社科 | 70-80% |
🌟 预科 Foundation
🌟 语言课程 Language Course
对于已有full offer,并且想额外学语言的同学,可以申请5周的学术技能课程。
🌟 学习领域 Area of Study
点击分类 ▶️ 查看课程名称
硕士课程 | 本科课程 |
商学硕士 Master of Commerce | 精算学学士 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies |
国际商务硕士 Master of International Business | 商学学士 Bachelor of Commerce |
管理学硕士 Master of Management | 商学学士(国际) Bachelor of Commerce (International) |
Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations | 经济学学士 Bachelor of Economics |
Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations | 信息系统学士 Bachelor of Information Systems |
Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management | |
Master of Professional Accounting and Business Performance |
硕士课程 | 本科课程 |
项目管理硕士 Master of Project Management | 理学学士(计算机科学) Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) |
Master of Transport | 工程学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) |
Master of Engineering | 工程学士(荣誉) 与工程硕士(电气工程) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) |
Master of Professional Engineering | 工程学士(荣誉)(土木工程与建筑学) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering with Architecture) |
Master of Digital Health and Data Science | 食品科学学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Food Science (Honours) |
Master of Data Science | |
Master of Computer Science | |
Master of Complex Systems | |
Master of Cybersecurity |
硕士课程 | 本科课程 |
Master of Economics | 文学学士 Bachelor of Arts |
Master of Economic Analysis | 文学与商科学士 Bachelor of Arts and Business |
Master of Media Practice | 国际研究学士 Bachelor of International Studies |
Media and Communications | 传媒学士 Bachelor of Media |
Master of Digital Communication and Culture | 音乐学士 Bachelor of Music* |
Master of Health Communication | 政治,哲学与经济学学士 Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics |
Master of Publishing | 社会科学学士 Bachelor of Social Science |
Master of Strategic Public Relations | 社会工作学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) |
Master of International Relations | 教育学学士 (中学教育) 双学位 Bachelor of Education (Secondary) |
Master of International Security | |
Master of Political Economy | |
Master of Public Policy | |
Master of Social Justice | |
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) | |
Master of Art Curating | |
Master of Creative Writing | |
Master of Crosscultural and Applied Linguistics | |
Master of Cultural Studies | |
Master of English Studies | |
Master of Film and Screen Arts | |
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies | |
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) | |
Master of Teaching (Primary) | |
Master of Teaching (Secondary) | |
Master of Education (TESOL) |
硕士课程 | 本科课程 |
法学硕士 Master of Laws (LLM) | 法学学士(仅开双学位) Bachelor of Combined Law |
法律硕士 Juris Doctor | 犯罪学与刑事司法学士 Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
Master of Taxation | |
Master of Business Law | |
Master of International Law | |
Master of Labour Law and Relations | |
Master of Administrative Law and Policy | |
Master of Environmental Law | |
Master of Health Law | |
Master of Criminology |
硕士课程 | 本科课程 |
Master of Architecture | 设计学士 Bachelor of Design |
Master of Heritage Conservation | 美术学士 Bachelor of Fine Arts |
Master of Architectural Science | 媒体艺术学士 Bachelor of Media Arts |
Master of Urban Design | 建筑学学士 Bachelor of Architectural Studies |
Master of Urban and Regional Planning | 室内建筑学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours) |
Master of Urbanism | 景观建筑荣誉学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) |
Master of Design | 城市规划荣誉学士(荣誉) Bachelor of City Planning (Honours) |
Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Arts | 施工管理与房地产学士 Bachelor of Construction Management & Property |
工业设计学士 Bachelor of Industrial Design | |
运算化设计学士 Bachelor of Computational Design |
硕士课程 | 本科课程 |
Master of Medical Physics | 航空学士 Bachelor of Aviation |
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | 环境管理学士 Bachelor of Environmental Management |
Master of Agriculture and Environment | 生命科学学士 Bachelor of Life Sciences |
Master of Sustainability | 材料科学与工程学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Materials Science & Engineering (Honours) |
Master of Environmental Science and Law | 医学科学学士 Bachelor of Medical Science |
Master of Environmental Science | 医学化学学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) |
Master of Marine Science and Management | 心理学学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) |
Master of Mathematical Sciences | 心理科学学士 Bachelor of Psychological Science |
Master of Clinical Psychology | 理学学士 Bachelor of Science |
Master of Science in Coaching Psychology | 数据科学与决策学士 Bachelor of Data Science & Decisions |
理学学士(高等数学)(荣誉) Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)(Honours) | |
高级理学学士(荣誉) Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) | |
理学与商学学士 Bachelor of Science and Business | |
理学学士(国际) Bachelor of Science (International) |
硕士课程 | 本科课程 |
Master of Nursing (Graduate Entry) | 医学研究学士/医学博士 Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine |
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics | 运动生理学学士 Bachelor of Exercise Physiology |
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry | 视光科学学士 Bachelor of Vision Science |
Doctor of Medicine (MD) | 视光科学学士/临床验光学硕士 Bachelor of Vision Science/M Clinical Optometry |
Doctor of Physiotherapy | |
Master of Exercise Physiology | |
Master of Occupational Therapy | |
Master of Diagnostic Radiography | |
Master of Medical Imaging Science | |
Master of Speech Language Pathology | |
Master of Pharmacy | |
Master of Clinical Psychology | |
Master of Coaching Psychology | |
Master of Bioethics | |
Master of Biostatistics | |
Master of Science in Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology) | |
Master of Biomedical Science | |
Master of Global Health | |
Master of Public Health | |
Master of Health Policy | |
Master of Dental Public Health | |
Master of Health Technology Innovation | |
Master of Digital Health and Data Science |
悉尼大学(University of Sydney)是一所享有盛誉的世界级大学,以其杰出的学术传统和卓越的研究成果而闻名。学校位于澳大利亚悉尼,是澳大利亚最古老、最具声望的大学之一。悉尼大学鼓励国际学生的多元化和包容性,吸引了来自世界各地的学生。校园拥有现代化的设施,包括世界一流的图书馆和研究中心,为学生提供了卓越的学术资源。此外,学校坐落于悉尼这个国际化大都市,提供了多样化的文化、社交和职业机会。悉尼大学为国际学生提供了丰富多彩的学术和生活体验,是一个备受推崇的学府选择。

常见问题 FAQs
1. 悉尼大学有申请费吗?
2. 悉尼大学预科升学率
3. GC/GD可以打包offer吗?
Graduate Certificate in Commerce
Graduate Diploma in Commerce
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting and Business Performance
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (part-time)
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management